Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Report Which Party Can Stands Best In Election 2015 Westminster

Question: Given the present economic environment in the uk, all of the three main political parties at Westminster are mindfull of the British general election which will take place in 2015. They are all hoping to be the party which will form the new uk government. Task: write a report, which you examine and compare the priorities and policies laid out by these parties. Go on to give your opinions on which party you feel stands the best chance of electoral success. Answer: Elections are the most significant part of any countrys development. Since the first general elections of Britain was held i.e in 1708, from that time and upto now there is an impeccable improvement and with this people have seen a continuous changing scenario with every coming elections. With this changing time and scenario the people have experienced various myths and facts about different political parties which were acting at the center. By concluding all those facts and myths, the people have made their thoughts about those working political parties. And reflecting those thoughts and sentiments during the election time shows there power of irrevocable decision making power. Now this is what it is going to happen in the elections of 2015 (Westminster), where various different political parties will go to try their luck. Now the time will show which party will be going to taste the sweetness of success and which party experience the bitterness of failure. The three giant parties about which the people talking about are:- The Conservatives led by David Cameroon, The Labour party led by Ed Miliband and The Liberate Democrats led by Nick Clegg. The Conservatives shows their capability, as they are working party at the center. But lets see what the pursuit of destiny shows which will have their luck strong during the upcoming elections. Priorities and Policies of political parties The political parties have shown their list of priorities and policies in their manifestos which will benefit the people throughout. Lets see how these parties may differ in their priorities and policies:- A) Conservative party:- There are three fundamental of a free society that matters the most are the chances to own their own homes, work that enables you to get on not just get by and having having enough savings to plan for the future. In other words Home, Jobs and savings-the three words stamped on the maskhead of Conservative partys home (Przeworski, 1991). The conservatives have said in their manifestos that they will provide more homes, better jobs and higher savings accompanied by plans for economic and political reforms. Main motive of conservative party is to work for ordinary working people of Britain i.e the mass middle class people. They have their stress on following matters:- 1) Firstly, to have a home like home.2) Secondly, work that enables you to get on, not just get by.3) And thirdly, from the work people could save sufficient money to plan for the future. Policies:- The following are the policies on which the conservative party is giving stress upon:- 1) Home like home:-There is a consistant lack of affordable homes in the country. There should be more homes for the people who are intended to live in them at affordable prices and implying programmes so that people can buy homes easily.2) Proposal of garden cities:-The intermittently approach of building homes has faced failure. The conservatives proposed to create garden cities corporations for strategically deisgn areas like Thames estuary. This make the existing residents to have direct financial stake through allocation of shares in each corporation.3) To scrap HS2 and create Northern infrastructure fund:-HS2 is another London centric mega project that will not even reach north until 2030s. so, conservatives planned to scrap the HS2 project and implement this project in a more planned way which may all key cities like Liverpool by the name of Northern Infrastructure Fund. This will be controlled by the elected mayors across the region and this will generate more employment.4) N ew immigration deal with European union:-As European union have more stress on the British economy to regain the full control of its borders. Britain need to renew new immigration policy with European union. This will replace the existing system and convert it into point base system. Then with the purchase of new health insurances and welfare insurances will back up the economic growth.5) Grip-on financial education:-There is a certain need to rebuilt the saving culture the best way to start from young people. The perposal of fund allocation to endow every school. This would tighten grip on the programme of finanacial education. This will benefit everyone by passing financial literacy test and the money will be transferred to their personal saving accounts.6) Creations of UK sovereign wealth fund:-The creation of sovereign wealth fund will be mutually owned by all british citizens in which all windfall revenews will be paid. This will all the country to save as a nation, not just as individual like Norway.7) The effect of Scottish referendum is known to everyone, therefore whatever will be the result of it. The Conservative proposed a develoved national government of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland with their own first ministers. B) Labour party:- The first main rival of the conservative party is the labour party. The main priorities of labour party is to bring changes in the current economy, society and the politics to achieve fairness throughout the system. Policies:- The following are the policies on which labour party will be going to work on:-1) Labour party launched a 10 years plan for health and social care. They are also going to create 10,000 nurse training places and 5000 new home care roles.2) Targeted increase in public spending over the next year to sustain the recovery before cutting the deficit by more than 50 percent and reducing the structural deficit by at least two-third over the next parliament (Przeworski, 1991).3) Guarantee people aged 18-24 a job, work experience or training place if they are unemployed for more than six months.4) Hold a referendum an adopting the alternative vote ystem for Westminster elections and making the house of lords fully elected (Wolfe, 1969).5) Pledge not to increase income tax or extend Vat on food, childrens clothes, books, newspapers and public transport.6) Increase minimum wages at lkeast in line with average earnings over the period to 2015.7) Work internationally to introduce a global levy on financial services.This shows that labour party give a tough challenge to the conservatives. They have almost more storng and efficient work policies. C) Liberate demorate:- Liberal democrats have played a crucial role in retaining the british economy, creating more than 1 million jobs and bringing back the economy on the road.liberal democrats believe that there should be sutainable growth of economy which will improve the employment in the country. There main motive is to do balanced growth throughout all sectors and the regions. Policies:- 1) The Liberal democrats have proposed to generate 1 million more jobs for the youths and employment guarenttee to the young people of the age group of 18-24 years. This will enhance the level of the country throughout the world. This will make the sustainable growth of the country.2) Liberal democrats have proposed a 800 tax cut . this will benefit the people with low wages. This will increase the savings of the people and make them more consistent to think about their future.3) 2.5 billion extra for schools, this will increase the level of education and help in rising the standards of the children from the base level.4) Liberal democrats ensures that they standardize the cost of living and offered to launch various schemes which will help people to buy their own home and live up to standards of livings. This will offer ease of squeeze to the people and make them more flexible in their livings (Savitz, 2012).5) About the environmental things, they have proposed to offer 200,000 new green jobs for the people . this will increase the employment in the country.6) They have proposed to offer biggest ever pension increase for old people living in the country. This will bring happiness on the faces of the old ones which have faced various situations in their lives.7) Liberal democrats offers a very fair and firm system for the immigration policies.Now after having a keen look on the priorities and the policies of different parties, we are now able to predict which will be one which will taste the sweetness of success. The following in the report of latest status of the political parties:- As it seen from the data that the conservatives and the labours are on the same level of choces of the people living in the region (Wolfinger, 1980). And third prty which is competing with them is the librate democrate party and the rest are quite behind them in the choices of people. The following data which is shown in the data is: 1) The conservatives and the labours are fighting for the place as there is little fluctuation in the shows graph. Considering that fluctuations they rest at 33 percent of the total percentage of choices of the people. 2) The third rivel is getting only 7 percent of the voting choices of the people. There policies are not of that much interest as the other big parties have.3) Surprisingly Ukip is getting more votes then the Liberal democrats. People are showing more interest in them according to the third big party of UK. Conclusion:- By concluding all of the above data, we get to result that Conservative and the Labour party are the most likely parties in the election 2015. They are running at the same level of percentage of voting choices of the people. They are giving a tough challenge to each other. But looking into people mouth El Miliband leading labour party is the preffered choice of the people. This is due to the reason, it have strong and effective policies for the upliftment of the people living in the country throughout in all sections and regions. References: 1. Mann, T. 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